Last week I said goodbye to my life as Teacher Kelsey. All in one day I said goodbye to my students, friends, and city that I called home. As with most goodbyes, this one is bittersweet. The self growth and strength that I have gained from this experience is immeasurable. I learned that patience and perspective can get me far in life, especially in Southeast Asia. I learned that I am more low maintenance and easy going that I give myself credit for. I am independent and adventurous. I will also be the first person to say that I'm proud of all of my hard work. Living in a foreign country is really really difficult some times. You have to jump through many hoops and sort out visa and work permit issues that seem to never have a consistent or easy solution. You work for a foreign company. Meaning that norms, communication, and structure are all different and very frustrating at times. And while the stories of being handed a microphone and told to give a speech are funny, it's not as comical when the same tactics are used for your salary and other visa logistics. You also work. Adventure and travels aside, I worked Monday through Friday 7:30-4:30 with private tutoring everyday after school. It was a job with lesson plans, testing and preparation.
All the difficult moments aside, it has truly been the experience of a lifetime to be a teacher. I will forever be grateful to my students, friends, and family who supported me through this entire experience. To my students, thank you for giving your all. Not everyday (because that would have made my job too easy), but at least most of the time. You are all unique and special little humans who are going to accomplish amazing things in life. As your favorite song says, I will "see you again" somewhere in this journey of life. To my friends both near and far, thank you for your unwavering friendship these past nine months. The phone calls, lunches, dinners, everything, helped make my life in Thailand "normal." To my family, thank you for your never ending love and guidance throughout this experience. You are my biggest fans and your support means the world to me.
Where did you teach?